What do you think are some of the leading causes of errors and omissions claims?

Insurance company professionals frequently cite a lack of documentation. As I probe further, it becomes apparent that a lack of documentation is not an actual cause of E&O claims but rather a factor that makes defending claims more challenging. Keeping documentation is a means of reducing your liability and alleged negligence with non-disclosure, 误传, 还有其他的说法.

If you were asked to produce documents for a claim based on a transaction you closed last week, that information would hopefully be readily available. 这个问题, 虽然, is most claims surface six months to a year after closing—sometimes two to three years after closing. Would you have voic电子邮件s, 电子邮件s, or documents for a transaction you closed in 2019?

当你接到一个电话, it’s important to follow up that conversation with an 电子邮件 or documented summary. Mr. 和奥. Buyer call and say they would like to offer $50,000 over asking price and waive the appraisal option. 后续的邮件中应该写明: per our conversation, we will increase your offer from X to Y and waive the appraisal option. I also recommend you get into the habit of answering the “next question.在这种情况下, I would answer what waiving the appraisal option means: If the house appraises for an amount lower than your offer, you will need to come up with more money for the down payment.

We see frequently where agents have stated that they advised the client but have no proof of it. 例如, 代理可能会2021十大正规彩票app客户采取某些步骤, such as getting a home inspection or paying for a home 保修. 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® offers forms to ensure clients receive information about these aspects of the transaction. 这些表格, 如果由接收方提供并签署, 可以作为这些问题的公认通知吗. 一个很好的例子是 一般资料及买卖双方须知 (TXR 1506), which provides parties with information regarding home inspections, 国内保修, and other aspects of the homebuying process and provides the agent with helpful documentation.

如果语音信箱, 电子邮件, 光有文字是不够的, 你现在得考虑极速了, 微软团队, WhatsApp, 和Facebook Messenger. It’s very important to have a central holding spot to house your key communications. 不熟悉如何给自己发语音邮件? The instructions are fairly easy to follow if you research online. Screenshots of texts and social media messages can be sent to a central location as well.

考虑为您的数据投资一个备份系统. 我推荐在线或基于云的备份. If your hard drive ever crashes or your computer gets infected with ransomware, 这可能是你花得最值的一笔钱.

Finally, it is important to keep your documentation for seven years. The statute of limitations can vary by the type of claim. TREC requires license holders to keep eight types of records in an accessible format for four years from the closing or contract termination date. The statute of limitations for a breach of contract is four years, but an injury claim is two years. Either is possible when dealing with real estate transactions. The question surfaces, 虽然, as to the start date for determining the statute of limitations. This is why it is important to keep documents beyond the statute of limitations.